It is the end of another weekend,
Jakarta is surprisingly cool tonight..
I intended to rewrite and delete some of the posts i have made, regarding you and me...
But, when i was about to delete one of those, i thought "hey, these are original thoughts, real feelings back then"
Another thought came out too, it says "hey, delete it, what if you decide to publish your blog one day for public, and all of it is just about your personal feeling?", i stopped for a while, thinking of what i must do with all those personal posts. Then with a suggestion from a friend, too...i decided to keep it original, after all, it is my true story, right?
Maybe one day, i will re-read these, and smile or laugh or whatever, but i decided that they are here to stay :) About the blog being not interesting or it being too emotional, etc..i will think of a way to make it readable again...