--31 Jan 2009--
Akhirnya tugas akhir saya sudah dikumpul..ahauhaua
Lega? pasti.... Takut? iya....antara takut waktu sidang atau takut ke depannya...
Siapapun yg membaca blog ini, doakan saya dapat lulus sidang dan lulus dengan baik yah
Kemaren gw memutuskan untuk tidak memikirkan hal-hal berat, malas!!!
--01 Feb 2009--
Yang jelas, sudah saatnya memikirkan masa depan, hm...mau kerja dmn? perencanaan keuangan? dll...i guess, akhir dari kuliah itu bener2 sebuah permulaan yang lebih besar tantangannya.
hm, sepertinya gw uda blh mencoba mulai merencanakan apa yang perlu direncanakan, dan melakukan apa yang perlu dilakukan..
Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
New rules ...hmph..
Suddenly something struck me (again !!!)
Banyak hal-hal "dont's" yg sudah saya lakukan dalam beberapa minggu terakhir ini.
Salahkan skripsi? Tidak, salahkan saya yang kurang bisa membagi waktu dengan baik.
Selama ini, ternyata teh dan kopi itu mengandung kafein (soal kadar dan pengaruh negatifnya kurang tau).
Yang jelas, selama skripsi ini, tidur tidak jelas waktunya, konsumsi kopi meningkat, dan kemungkinan stress meningkat (bohong kalau dibilang gak stress sama sekali, stress mungkin ada, tapi gak besar kadarnya kalau di gw pribadi)
hm....ok, utk ke depannya ada beberapa aturan sendiri yang kubuat sendiri dan kurencanakan akan kutaati :p
1. kurangi konsumsi daging merah, ganti jadi ikan
2. perbanyak konsumsi makanan berserat
3. perbanyak konsumsi air putih dan jus buah
4. tidur mengikuti siklus yg seharusnya
5. lebih disiplin (yg ini penting utk mendukung yg lainnya)
6. memprioritaskan hal yg penting dahulu
7. olahraga rutin (minimal 2 kali seminggu)
8. think positively !!!
9. konsumsi sayuran dari keluarga brokoli2an
mudah2an bukan cm ngomong duank :P
Banyak hal-hal "dont's" yg sudah saya lakukan dalam beberapa minggu terakhir ini.
Salahkan skripsi? Tidak, salahkan saya yang kurang bisa membagi waktu dengan baik.
Selama ini, ternyata teh dan kopi itu mengandung kafein (soal kadar dan pengaruh negatifnya kurang tau).
Yang jelas, selama skripsi ini, tidur tidak jelas waktunya, konsumsi kopi meningkat, dan kemungkinan stress meningkat (bohong kalau dibilang gak stress sama sekali, stress mungkin ada, tapi gak besar kadarnya kalau di gw pribadi)
hm....ok, utk ke depannya ada beberapa aturan sendiri yang kubuat sendiri dan kurencanakan akan kutaati :p
1. kurangi konsumsi daging merah, ganti jadi ikan
2. perbanyak konsumsi makanan berserat
3. perbanyak konsumsi air putih dan jus buah
4. tidur mengikuti siklus yg seharusnya
5. lebih disiplin (yg ini penting utk mendukung yg lainnya)
6. memprioritaskan hal yg penting dahulu
7. olahraga rutin (minimal 2 kali seminggu)
8. think positively !!!
9. konsumsi sayuran dari keluarga brokoli2an
mudah2an bukan cm ngomong duank :P
Rabu, 07 Januari 2009
24 hours a day ain't enough??
This inspirational story below is gotten from a forwarded email… Nice!!!
Mengingatkan saya untuk selalu mendahulukan hal penting dulu...hm..it can be a new 2009 resolution...lol
The Mayonaise Jar and 2 cups of coffee
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---God, your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.
The sand is everything else---the small stuff. 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you
'Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take time to get medical checkups Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. 'I'm glad you asked.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.
Update skripsi...
Hari ini akhirnya selesai bagian Teknik Industrinya untuk skripsi gw...
Senang? boleh lah, tapi....(kenapa selalu harus ada tapinya..lol) masih ada bagian SI nya, yang notabene lebih banyak lagi bagian SI nya, oh iya, setelah SI nya masih ada pembuatan aplikasinya lagi...dalam 16 hari cukupkah ??? o.O
ok, just take a deep breath....and say it again : "I can do it"
Buat teman2 seperjuangan yang lagi berjuang dengan skripsinya yang deadlinenya semakin mendekat, gud luck again :p
Mau refreshing btr ah, target malam ini kelar problem domainnya...bs gk yah?
update lagi -- tgl 16 jan 2009 --
sisa waktu utk deadlinenya adalah tgl 22 jan 2009 utk pny gw sendiri
itu artinya, dalam 6 hari lagi mesti selesai, lolzzzz
hm...ya sudahlah...let nature takes its course... :p
berusaha sebisanya saja, tak perlu khawatir....rugi khawatirin hal gk penting
Senang? boleh lah, tapi....(kenapa selalu harus ada tapinya..lol) masih ada bagian SI nya, yang notabene lebih banyak lagi bagian SI nya, oh iya, setelah SI nya masih ada pembuatan aplikasinya lagi...dalam 16 hari cukupkah ??? o.O
ok, just take a deep breath....and say it again : "I can do it"
Buat teman2 seperjuangan yang lagi berjuang dengan skripsinya yang deadlinenya semakin mendekat, gud luck again :p
Mau refreshing btr ah, target malam ini kelar problem domainnya...bs gk yah?
update lagi -- tgl 16 jan 2009 --
sisa waktu utk deadlinenya adalah tgl 22 jan 2009 utk pny gw sendiri
itu artinya, dalam 6 hari lagi mesti selesai, lolzzzz
hm...ya sudahlah...let nature takes its course... :p
berusaha sebisanya saja, tak perlu khawatir....rugi khawatirin hal gk penting
Minggu, 04 Januari 2009
Two sides to every story
Ever heard that term?
I heard it once as a title of a song by five (if i'm not mistaken)
Anyway, i'm one of a believer of that term...there's always two sides to every story (well, i'm not quite sure about what this term means, but IMO, it means that everyone has their own opinion about something)
for example :
the purpose of this one here, is to enlighten my own feelings whenever i'm down emotionally...
such as, (example again) when i do not get that job, maybe that other person is better or more suitable for that job...

Don't be down, we can always get up again, we can keep climbing till we see the top :)
Rainbow always appear after the rain, not before :P
That's just how life is....colorful
I heard it once as a title of a song by five (if i'm not mistaken)
Anyway, i'm one of a believer of that term...there's always two sides to every story (well, i'm not quite sure about what this term means, but IMO, it means that everyone has their own opinion about something)
for example :
- you think you know somebody, but do you?
- you are so happy with something, but others may not be
- you are waiting for someone to come, but does that someone is really doing his/her best to come on time?
- you think you love someone, does he/she do too?
- you think you love someone unconditionally, is it really an unconditional love where you can let him/her go without ANY doubt for the sake of his/he happiness? are you really that sincere?
the purpose of this one here, is to enlighten my own feelings whenever i'm down emotionally...
such as, (example again) when i do not get that job, maybe that other person is better or more suitable for that job...

Don't be down, we can always get up again, we can keep climbing till we see the top :)
Rainbow always appear after the rain, not before :P
That's just how life is....colorful
Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
A mother's love
Kenapa rasanya susah blg "thank you" atau "i love you" ke ibu sendiri?
Apa mungkin karena kultur orang timur yang rasanya susah buat ngungkapin perasaan?
Lihat saja orang barat yang "menggembar-gemborkan" tiga kata tersebut, yang di mana menurut gw hal tersebut ok dan sah-sah saja selama yang dirasa itu bener, mungkin kita memang perlu sedikit belajar dari mereka.
Jadi teringat film yg pernah gw tonton lagi. Seorang ibu yang selalu memuji anaknya (yang di ceritanya sih si ibu blg dia belajar dari bule untuk memakai kata: very good, excellent, marvellous), tak peduli seberapa jelek hasil ujian anaknya, tak peduli bakat apa yang dimiliki anaknya.
Now, what makes me thinking is...
Mum and Dad, you're both the most wonderful mum and dad in this world
I'm sorry for all the bad things i've ever done before, wishing you both to have a wonderful life...
Apa mungkin karena kultur orang timur yang rasanya susah buat ngungkapin perasaan?
Lihat saja orang barat yang "menggembar-gemborkan" tiga kata tersebut, yang di mana menurut gw hal tersebut ok dan sah-sah saja selama yang dirasa itu bener, mungkin kita memang perlu sedikit belajar dari mereka.
Jadi teringat film yg pernah gw tonton lagi. Seorang ibu yang selalu memuji anaknya (yang di ceritanya sih si ibu blg dia belajar dari bule untuk memakai kata: very good, excellent, marvellous), tak peduli seberapa jelek hasil ujian anaknya, tak peduli bakat apa yang dimiliki anaknya.
Now, what makes me thinking is...
- Have you ever thank your mother for waiting for you coming back from school?
- Have you ever thank your mother for preparing your breakfast?
- Have you ever thank your mother for staying up late just to make sure you're okay when you're sick?
- Have you ever thank your mother for buying your favourite chocolate bar when you're young?
- Have you ever thank your mother for helping you doing your handicrafts task?
- Have you ever thank your mother for loving you and thinking about you always wherever you are?
Mum and Dad, you're both the most wonderful mum and dad in this world
I'm sorry for all the bad things i've ever done before, wishing you both to have a wonderful life...
Kamis, 01 Januari 2009
Going Places
hm...how good it sounds...
one day, i'd like to hike a mountain, enjoy the sunset, go to a place where snow falls, fish in a lake, maybe even surf on a surfboard (i said maybe..lol) But then, i realize none will be accomplished without me finishing my thesis (again, skripsi oh skripsi -.-). Quit day dreaming now...lol
though i can't go there now, i'm still allowed to look at the photos right :p
this one is the biggest indoor ice skating in the world, it's located inside the mall of the emirates, the third biggest mall in the world...
yg lain..menyusul
one day, i'd like to hike a mountain, enjoy the sunset, go to a place where snow falls, fish in a lake, maybe even surf on a surfboard (i said maybe..lol) But then, i realize none will be accomplished without me finishing my thesis (again, skripsi oh skripsi -.-). Quit day dreaming now...lol
though i can't go there now, i'm still allowed to look at the photos right :p
this one is the biggest indoor ice skating in the world, it's located inside the mall of the emirates, the third biggest mall in the world...

New Year, New resolution

I ran into another person's blog today, and i accidentally read about "apakah anda sudah mengecek resolusi anda di tahun yg lalu? apakah tercapai?" well, that makes me thinking, what was my resolution for 2008? i don't remember, honestly...lol
So....to make this 2009 more challenging, more meaningful and more memorable.
i decided to make my very own year 2009 resolutions, and hopefully i'll be able to re-evaluate these at the end of year 2009 ^__^
- finish my thesis, it's a must lol
- work hard and play hard (play hard only or work hard only is a no-no)
- learning to be able to express myself, and find my true self (this one's important for me)
- spend more time with my family (i love them)
- financially capable (saya ingin dapat menjadi mapan...sudah waktunya cari duit :P)
- love myself more... (ini neh sumber masalah kalau gk bisa cinta diri sendiri..lol
- oh yea, another one, lebih mandiri di segala bidang deh (gw ingat entah baca di mana, spesialisasi itu cm buat serangga, manusia harus bisa melakukan banyak hal)
- set realistic goals
- make your goal visual (semacam image training gitu), a visual reminder will keep you motivated
- set your timer (nothing gets your blood pumping harder than a due date)
Gemstones ... Birthstones
up to the sky, and down to the earth
So fast, time is really fast, it does fly...
it's unbelievably 2nd of Januari 2009 today....
okay, on the content..just a couple of days ago, i was still the strongest person i know, the most solid minded one (hey, at least in my head..lol) but, just yesterday, something unpleasant happened, and it involves a friend of mine, a close one...it's unacceptable. Well, at least i see that person as a close one, i don't know what that person thinks...it makes me thinking again that life is never fair, indeed....but even though i'm like this, i can still say proudly and clearly that...life is still beautiful, and i thank God for everything.
And, it turns out that i make a wuss over nothing, that person don't even remember what that person HAD said....lol, silly me.... :P. Well, it's not me if i don't take lessons from every encounters i made (yeah, i'm somewhat narcist in this). A friend really taught me well, "to err is human, but to forgive is divine"... cheers to you man !!! Bravo...i guess, i'll be needing more life advice from you again...(hopefully not soon enough) lol
oh, and about the new year's eve. we decided to have a bbq in one's house, play some cards with leftovers (shrimps, corns, corndogs as the bet). I had a really good time, thanks to all my friends (the host especially, you've been such a great friend, thanks a lot). Surely this 1st jan will forever be in my memory, with every event happpened, every word said.
I promise that i'll never, i repeat, never regret any path i've walked in my life. There'll always be a new lessons ahead...
another thing that needs to be added in this entry, i've been thinking about what things that'll really make me happy. what are they? am i clueles, or am i just ignorant? what is it? where is it? well, i for one, won't worry about that things, i believe God has his own plan for me.

and btw, Happy new year 2009 everyone !!!
it's unbelievably 2nd of Januari 2009 today....
okay, on the content..just a couple of days ago, i was still the strongest person i know, the most solid minded one (hey, at least in my head..lol) but, just yesterday, something unpleasant happened, and it involves a friend of mine, a close one...it's unacceptable. Well, at least i see that person as a close one, i don't know what that person thinks...it makes me thinking again that life is never fair, indeed....but even though i'm like this, i can still say proudly and clearly that...life is still beautiful, and i thank God for everything.
And, it turns out that i make a wuss over nothing, that person don't even remember what that person HAD said....lol, silly me.... :P. Well, it's not me if i don't take lessons from every encounters i made (yeah, i'm somewhat narcist in this). A friend really taught me well, "to err is human, but to forgive is divine"... cheers to you man !!! Bravo...i guess, i'll be needing more life advice from you again...(hopefully not soon enough) lol
oh, and about the new year's eve. we decided to have a bbq in one's house, play some cards with leftovers (shrimps, corns, corndogs as the bet). I had a really good time, thanks to all my friends (the host especially, you've been such a great friend, thanks a lot). Surely this 1st jan will forever be in my memory, with every event happpened, every word said.
I promise that i'll never, i repeat, never regret any path i've walked in my life. There'll always be a new lessons ahead...
another thing that needs to be added in this entry, i've been thinking about what things that'll really make me happy. what are they? am i clueles, or am i just ignorant? what is it? where is it? well, i for one, won't worry about that things, i believe God has his own plan for me.

and btw, Happy new year 2009 everyone !!!
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