Got this from MH:
- breakfast: bacon/ham + fried eggs NOT creamy stuffs
- caught in traffic: chew some gum NOT coffee, it is best when u are not in a situation u cant control
- to start ur work: a cup of peppermint tea
- Lunchtime: salmon, spinach (green leaves)
- Afternoon: ginseng and fruits with vit c
- If u are gonna work out: expresso and half apple
- dinner: wine + steak
- late at night: cherry juice (help u sleep better)
The Dos:
- If u have cough, have a spoonful of honey
- Make sure ur drink is cold not lukewarm before and after exercise
The Don'ts":
- Soda: slower reaction time
- Tea with milk: milk has protein which reduces tea's relaxing effect
- Whiskey: high alcohol leads to grayer hair
- White chocolate: better have the milk and dark ones
- Warm milk at late night: it helps u stay awake longer
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