Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Eat Pray Love

I like this movie, simply because it kinda teaches me many things i have forgotten:

- To let go of something you should, don't be afraid, BOTH of you deserves to be happy
- To learn to appreciate all you have right now
- If you are doing nothing, embrace those moments
- If you still love and miss, then love and miss, then forget
- Daring to take the leap to your future, even though your life is now in balance

Most importantly, it teaches me about how to change, i will read the novel one day, haha..

Hm...now my job is to apply it...haha
Btw, i am thinking, since i am living in Indonesia, i will probably find the suitable places to do all that.. Will surely post it when I know which places i will go for those 3 activities :)

Wish me luck...

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