Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Pertemuan vs Perpisahan

Sabtu kemaren, ketemu teman-teman lama...trus paket deh di empo...
Nah, di sela-sela menunggu room full, pikiran suka melayang ke mana-mana
Dari pertemuan itu, gw jadi kepikiran hal lain...perpisahan (si teman mau pulang besoknya..ntah kapan baru bisa ketemu lagi)

Terlepas dari konteks itu, kenapa kalau ada pertemuan mesti ada perpisahan?
Gw ngerasa sedih aja seh....trus gw jadi kepikiran...apa selama gw sma, selama gw kuliah...ada hal yang uda gw lewatkan?
  • Is there something I miss?
  • If there is, what is it?
  • How can i get it back?
  • Is it too late?
Mungkin itu masi sesama teman yah..gimana kalau dengan keluarga?
Ya, gw tau sih...uda 5 tahun di jakarta sejak SMA, uda jauh dari keluarga selama 5 tahun juga...tapi kenapa baru bisa kepikiran skrg? Mungkin ini kehendak Tuhan, agar gw lebih menghargai waktu-waktu yang gw miliki dengan teman dan keluarga gw, agar tidak ada lagi hal yang bisa bikin gw menyesal.

I am not that strong a person. I am so weak at heart. I may look like so strong on the outside, but i know..i am so weak in the inside.

Ada yang bilang hidup itu seperti sandiwara, kalau peran si aktor uda selesai..maka ditutuplah pementasan tersebut... Kalimat itu ada benernya. Org Barat juga ada pepatah kek gitu..."the ball game is going to end, whether u like it or not". I think...what i can do now is...try to cherish what i have now and don't fall back

So, this is what i am going to say to myself

"Jangan mau nyesel lagi win....hidup itu cuma sekali...hargai dan cintai semua org yg ada di sekelilingmu....Nah, soal kerjaan, be realistic, gk peduli org lain bisa lsg to the top or no...yang penting that is not gonna happen with u! So, bersakit-sakit dahulu deh."

So, here is what i am gonna do:
I am gonna set a target for myself...I must already be successful when i am 28. Out of question! No excuses! Why? Because there is so many things i wanna to for my parents, for my family, for myself...I'll have to be strong and capable for that.

Cherish all the times u have with ur loved ones
The poker game is gonna end, whether u love it or not
Why don't we take the chips and leave the table winners??

Pandanglah segala sesuatu itu sebagai yang pertama dan terakhir
Mengganggap setiap saat sebagai suatu hadiah
Bersyukur masi bisa melakukan hal yang kita lakukan

Recap of the week

Since i am so busy last week, i can't keep my journal daily anymore :(

ok, it goes

16 Nov 2009 - Mon
First day at work...Well, for starter, i had doubt...
  • Is this the job i want?
  • Is this the one for me?
  • Am I doing the right thing by signing this contract? By signing will be 3 years of life...committed to this job...
  • I am wondering if i will be able to do this, not to mention, i have to commune 4 hours a day just to get there...which lead to the next question..should i stay where i am or move there?
  • If i move there, it will be a new environment, new friends in which u'll have to adapt again, and leaving all those things i hold dear until today?
And the first day is very tiring, maybe because of my body is adjusting...

17 Nov 2009 - Tue
Today, i feel better than 16, but however, still can be categorized as bad...
I still have that voice inside my head that says..."maybe i shouldn't?"

18 Nov 2009 - Wed
Well, day by day is getting better, but until wed...still was in bad category

19 Nov 2009 - Thu
Ya, kurang lebih sama...cuma uda mendingan aja deh

20 Nov 2009 - Fri
Got a call from Triputra Group, but i reject it since i already got a job...
Hari pertama pulang nebeng mobil teman...sampe Binus agak pagian seh...ntar liat deh kalau macetnya parah banget, mungkin mau gk mau mesti ngekost...
I have always been praying to God for giving the best for me...I guess I should add: "Please give me happiness"

21 Nov 2009 - Sat
Well, the very official day off for me since my status is "employed".
Spent the day playing....yep...just playing...trus paket ketemu teman lama....yg ini ntar gw kasi post khusus...

22 Nov 2009 - Sun
More on this later....

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Eat through the day

Got this from MH:

- breakfast: bacon/ham + fried eggs NOT creamy stuffs
- caught in traffic: chew some gum NOT coffee, it is best when u are not in a situation u cant control
- to start ur work: a cup of peppermint tea
- Lunchtime: salmon, spinach (green leaves)
- Afternoon: ginseng and fruits with vit c
- If u are gonna work out: expresso and half apple
- dinner: wine + steak
- late at night: cherry juice (help u sleep better)

The Dos:
- If u have cough, have a spoonful of honey
- Make sure ur drink is cold not lukewarm before and after exercise

The Don'ts":
- Soda: slower reaction time
- Tea with milk: milk has protein which reduces tea's relaxing effect
- Whiskey: high alcohol leads to grayer hair
- White chocolate: better have the milk and dark ones
- Warm milk at late night: it helps u stay awake longer

Senin, 09 November 2009

New food revelations

Just wanna note this day down...
Something happened today which can be continued a year from now... or more... who knows

Anyway, just read through internet that instant noodles and the cups are safe.
Well, i don't think, more revelations:
- not more than three times instant noodles a month
- not more than three times "nasi padang"

ya...let's try to stick to it...

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Another touching quotes (DH0519)

Just watched an episode of a drama series i missed.
The ending words are touching...

I let go of all those things which seems so ordinary
but when u put them together,
they'll make up a life,
a life that really was one of a kind

It's not hard to die when u know u have lived,
and I did, i lived

So, here's the thing.
" a life that was one of a kind", make me thinking. Every people is unique. Every life is unique. Your appearance, your body, your lifestyle even your belongings distinguish you from others...

Well, i do know that i have a life that is one of a kind, given all my history until today. I am grateful to God for that, for making me the way i am...but i am not sure if i have already live my life to the fullest...i wanna be happy, creative, fun, brave and perfect.... The question is "how?"

Maybe spontaneous can be the answer for my question (in my case). I don't wanna have any regret anymore....which leads to my thinking about my job now.. (yea, it all comes back to that nowadays...)

How i would love to be given that chance so that i can prove myself and more importantly, lead my own life, the one i desired.....

Here is another quote: " i love him enough to let him hate me"

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Job seeking

I decided to post another post about job seeking, since it began after i got back from Siantar.
The real adventure begins here...

16 th Oct 2009
Job expo at UI
Got a few applications in

20 th Oct 2009
Binus Job expo
- test at Gudang Garam subsidiaries (position unknown, yet)
- Get a few applications in, such as: Accenture, Permata Bank, Mandiri Bank, Adira, Artha Infotama, Berca, DataOn

21 th Oct 2009
- Walk in interview at Mandiri Bank in front of TIM
- Test and interview at Artha Infotama

22 Oct 2009
- Test at M2CD for Permata Bank
- User interview at PT. Garudafood

23 Oct 2009 - Friday
- Toefl test for Mandiri Bank (manggala)

29 Oct 2009 - Thursday
- Aptitude test for Mandiri Bank (manggala)

03 Nov 2009 - Tuesday
- Interview HSBC (Menara Mulia)

04 Nov 2009 - Wednesday
- Forum Group Discussion at Mandiri Bank (TIM)

Let's pray and wish me luck ^-^

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Touching poem

Lol... I am not a poem lover, but this one is really touching and lovely

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I did not sleep

I am the thousand wind that blows

I am the diamond glints of snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn's rain

Do not stand at my grave and cry

I am not there, I did not die

(again...taken from tv series, dunno who's the author)

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Plans for the Future? u have plan for your future? like what u wanna be or how u are gonna get it?
well, i probably have one...
but, i gain a valuable lesson from a tv series just now :p

"screw the plan"
"u cant design your life like a building"
"u just live it and it will design itself"
"listen to what the world are telling you to do, and take the lead"

ok, so....imo, we must have a plan, i dunno about that, but for me a plan is some kind of a dream u want to achieve. So, if u have a dream, u will work on achieving it, and hence...u will have a clear path and motivation.... BUT (of course, always a "but") we cant decide the outcome... so, when we bump into something that halt our plan, maybe we should just give in and listen to what the world is telling us to do...

lol....(have some spare time to write

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

So dizzy

16 Oct 2009
At last i recovered my password for this blog...lucky me
Been browsing the internet for a few hours and i am so dizzy..
Today actually been feeling better after 2-3 days of feeling bad, etc2....

15 Oct 2009
Went go UI Job expo
It was such a huge university, i never imagined it will be that vast
oh and it was such a tiring day
Gave back the netbook to my sister

14 Oct 2009
Hm...nothing particular except browsing the internet
Still have such a bad feeling
Gosh, i am still homesick

13 Oct 2009
First day in Jakarta again
I went back to Siantar on 2 Aug 2009, hm...more than 2 months time of marvelous and wonderful time back at home.
Love my family !!

Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Save Your Sick Days

Now that your house is germ-free, clean up the danger zones at work
By Abby Lerner

It would be nice if your house was the only place you had to worry about microscopic germs lurking, but the truth is, your office is swarming with just as many (if not more) cold-causing microbes eager to challenge your immune system.

A study from the University of Arizona found that your office desk harbors far more bacteria than your building’s bathroom. The bright side? Your workspace likely has three to four times less bacteria than a female coworker’s, according to researchers. Women’s desks may look cleaner, but the knickknacks are more abundant, and makeup and lotions make perfect germ crash pads.

But you’re not off the hook. The worst office offender of all is a man’s wallet—your warm back pocket is the perfect spot for bacteria to incubate. And so are the five workplace germ zones below, pointed out by Charles Gerba, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the University of Arizona and nationally known expert on household microbes and intestinal diseases.

The Phone: “The phone is typically the dirtiest piece of equipment in an office because it goes straight to your mouth, and you never clean or disinfect it,” Dr. Gerba says. Keep antibacterial wipes in your office and swipe the phone—earpiece, mouthpiece, buttons, etc.—every Monday morning. Unlike disinfecting sprays, the wipes won’t damage electronics.

The Desktop: “People don’t clean their desk until they stick to it,” Dr. Gerba says. And that’s not enough to ward off sickness. Wipe down your desk with the same kind of disinfecting wipe you use on your phone at least once a week. And resist the urge to eat at your desk if possible—it’s an invitation for bacteria to grow.

The Keyboard and Mouse: Most office-cleaning companies don’t touch computers or keyboards out of fear they’ll delete important files. The two-step sterilization process is left up to you. First, flip your keyboard over and give it a good shake over a trashcan—there are likely bits of food lodged between the keys. Then rub an alcohol-based sanitizer or disinfecting wipe (see how handy they are?) over the keys.

The Water Fountain Handle: “Not only is it wet, but people who get a cold, the flu, or diarrhea tend to drink more water,” Dr. Gerba says. Need we say more? You don’t have to cart sanitizing wipes to the water fountain, but always wash your hands with soap after using it, or rub on a hand sanitizer to lessen the blow.

The “Enter” Button (on the Fax Machine, the Photocopier, Etc.): There’s nothing shocking about this one. Consider all the buttons you—and numerous other people—touch every single day: "Send" on the fax machine, "3" in the elevator, the incline button on the treadmill. Buy a 3-pack of hand sanitizer and keep one at your desk, one in your car, and the third in your gym bag. Studies on the stuff have found they successfully reduce illness by 30 to 50 percent, according to Dr. Gerba.

Common Skin Problems

Common Skin Problems and Solutions

By Abby Lerner

Dark Under-Eye Circles

The skin under your eyes isn't as forgiving as your abs, so late night gym-sessions during the week may show up as dark circles on your face. Mom and dad are mostly liable for this inherited trait, but a lack of sleep and poor diet only make it worse.

Since your packed schedule isn't going to suddenly change, diminish dark circles by eating more nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, drinking water, and tagging along to your wife or girlfriend's yoga class—it'll not only reduce dark circles, but also increase overall skin health. If you're really open to anything, place a couple thin, cool slices of cucumber over your tired lids. No one will ever know.


Wrinkles may conjur the image of your sweet, elderly grandmother, but the fact is, they happen to everyone. It's part of getting older—skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic.

Since you can't turn back the hands of time, protect your skin from further damage. Number one priority: ban cigarettes. Even if you've smoked for years, quitting now will prevent future wrinkles. Protect your skin from the sun by wearing hats and sunscreen, even in winter. And rub on a moisturizer every night before bed. Dry skin turns plump skin cells into shriveled ones, creating lines and wrinkles.

"Once a wrinkle is there, it's like a crease in a piece of paper—it's not ever going to completely go away," Dr. Carezani-Gavin said. "It's extremely important for men in their 20s and 30s to take good care of their skin now to prevent the onset of wrinkles."


Contrary to what most guys think, pimples don't stop popping up when your voice finishes changing. Raging hormones were responsible in your teen years, but other factors such as humidity, stress, heavy sweating, or the use of steroids cause the irritating red bumps now.

Even if you're the figure of perfect personal hygiene and diet, you'll still see flare-ups. In fact, washing your face too much can cause acne to get worse.

If your acne is bad enough to rattle your confidence, see a primary care physician. "Acne truly is a medical condition that requires medical treatment," Dr. Carezani-Gavin said. "A primary care physician can also help identify the cause of even occasional flare-ups and advise accordingly."

Not a fan of lab coats? Pick up a 5 percent, over-the-counter, benzoyl-peroxide skin wash from your local drug store, and use it twice a day. "A lot of patients do wonderfully just with that," Dr. Carezani-Gavin said.

Feed your skin

Feed Your Skin

The 9 best foods to keep your skin looking and feeling great
By Abby Lerner

1. Carrots
This crunchy snack is loaded with vitamin A, which helps balance the pH of your skin's surface, making it just acidic enough to fend off harmful bacteria. Plus National Cancer Institute researchers found that people with the highest intakes of carotenoids—pigments that occur naturally in carrots—were six times less likely to develop skin cancer than those with the lower intakes.

2. Berries
The high-antioxidant content of blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries yield countless healthy-skin benefits. Not a fan of fleshy fruit? Artichokes, beans, prunes, and pecans are packed with the stuff as well.

3. Salmon, Walnuts, and Flax Seed
The common healthy-skin ingredients in these foods are essential fatty acids, which not only block harmful irritants, but also act as the passageway for nutrients coming in and out and for waste products to get in and out of the cell. The stronger that barrier is, the better your skin cells hold moisture.

4. Healthy Oils
Good-quality oils—those labeled cold pressed, expeller processed, or extra virgin—keep skin lubricated and looking and feeling healthier. But remember even healthy fat is high in calories, so limit yourself to two tablespoons a day.

5. Whole-wheat bread, Muffins, and Cereals; Turkey, Tuna, and Brazil Nuts
It may seem like a random grocery list, but all of these foods are rich in the mineral selenium, which plays a key role in the health of skin cells. In fact, studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.
6. Low-Fat Dairy Products
Vitamin A is one of the most important components of skin health, and low-fat dairy products such as milk and yogurt are a great place to get it.
7. Green Tea
The skin-health assets in this drink are matchless. It has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the cell membrane, and may even reduce the risk of some cancers. An added bonus: Sipping on this super drink can also boost metabolism.
8. Sunflower Seeds
These tiny seeds pack the most natural vitamin E of any food around. And no antioxidant is better at slowing down the aging of skin cells to keep you looking younger longer.
9. Water
Good hydration is key to healthy looking skin, and there's nothing better than pure, clean water to quench your body's thirst—except maybe mineral-rich hard water from the tap.

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

Iseng - iseng :)

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

next is the chinese animal

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes For Fun

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Pengalaman naik bus umum

People are fighting for their lives everyday...
Especially in Jakarta, while taking the public transportation, u can really see that here everyday...whether in the bus or on the road...and when i see it, i am still very lucky, i complain about my internet without realizing many people can't even enjoy electricity out there, or even wonder what do they have to eat tomorrow

that makes me wonder...

what have i done?
have i done my best?
what about the time spent?

I stopped for a moment while talking about the time...u know time flies, it really'll never be back...have i lived my life with no regrets??

another quote :"people have only a few seconds to be young and beautiful, and then it's GONE"

i will try my best. i can promise myself that... :)

PS: always exit from a public transportation with left leg first

Pursuing your dreams

what are my dreams...
hm...i remember...ahaha very clearly...
but i wonder if it is too late for that??
hm...again...who knows what will happen next?

should i??
ahahha whatever :)
i will do what i think that's right for me...right now

Job Seeker (update)

Before i forgot all my jobs interviews, tests etc..i want to write it down that i can laugh at it in the future, and remember...which companies have i applied to

ok, here goes
  • 23 feb 09 --> pharos
  • 23 mar 09 --> PST
  • 22 apr 09 --> RBS
  • 06 may 09 --> schlumberger
  • 13 may 09 --> Jhonson Jhonson
  • 15 may 09 --> Pt. Buanatama Metalindo
that's all i can recall...will update the list whenever i got another job interview
and to whoever that are reading this...wish me luck :)

Mother's Day 10 May 2009

This year's mother's day gave me a surprise
My mum called me and said "this is a mother's day..yet u don't call or give me a gift"
and i was like...shocked...ahhaha, honestly it's never been a tradition in our family to do those occasional days...

hm...i am thinking of doing it next time...starting from my mum's birthday
i think it's coming soon...gosh, i've never remembered my mum's or dad's birthday
i have to...starting from now...

hm...whom should i ask...i want to give her a surprise :P

well, and in this opportunity...i'd like to say it to my mum (again) :

Songs I am listening to

Well, currently David Archuleta's songs are on my playlist
Haha...i am never a fan of him..i am even introduced to his songs by a friend, and now i love listening to his songs. His voice is...good, what can i say... :)

Below are my 3 favorites:
  • Angels
  • Crush
  • Touch My Hand
enjoy this one below :)

PS: i've been a room-singer this past few my next room buddy, sorry to torture

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Small acts of kindness

Okay, to make things short

I just watched a movie a few hours ago...and there is a scene where a man was offering his service as a handyman to a woman who clearly stated that she didn't need any help at all. While not being down, the man still offered his name card to the woman. And when he reached out the cards, the cards fell, and the woman tried to help him gather all those cards, only to find out that the man's shoe has a hole on it...The woman then offered the man a job to fix her something. Well, the man declined at first, but then agreed when the woman asked :"you are not going to make me beg, are u?"

Hm...aaahhah call me sensitive or whatever...but i love this scene. I played this part over and over again. I am amazed at how little or maybe small acts of kindness can touch and change a human heart. And that can affect many people. Well, it got me thinking, and I decided to do more kind deeds starting this moment, even small ones.. Just like a smile...kind deeds spread like wildfire...

And who knows, the one you help, will give good influences to others too...
Life is still beautiful...

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Job Seeker

Haiz...looking for a suitable and a perfect job is never easy, ahhaha

well, we must keep on trying.. I just rejected a decent job (i think..)
Do i regret it? well, gotta admit, yes...a bit
But, every action has its own's just hope i can get a better one

Tomorrow is another day for an interview with a bank..
While scanning about the job description and sort in the internet...i am interested in this job too
hm...let's just see what will happen tomorrow...

God helps me to find a most suitable job for me... ^_^V

Earth Hour and Movin On

28 March 2009

The Earth was 28th of March 2009 here in Indonesia, from 08.30-09.30.
I have no idea in other places :p

Btw, me and a friend decided to go out while closing all electronic appliances, when the tire suddenly have no air... (kempes kalau bahasa indo nya :), lol...) ya gitu deh...intinya ya jadinya makan malam biasa aja...yah gpp lah, daripada gelap2an di kost sendiri...ahahaha

29 March 2009

Two friends are movin out today...i didnt help much though...
Hm...suddenly it got me thinking...
People move on...and i should too
Life is a journey, and we must keep on goin..dunno where, that's for us to find out

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

3 o'clock slump

sumber : men's health

a 3 o'clock slump can ruin your productivity and shorten your life.
excessive daytime sleepiness might mean trouble for your heart.

some tips to avoid "the will to take a nap" :
- get a shot of sunlight mid-afternoon
- don't mistake caffeine for a buzz of energy

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Workout while swimming

Taken from a magazine article

Swimming tips (the freestyle)
  • Stretch your leading arm forward as far as you can (swim tall)
  • Keep your abs and lower back muscles taut
  • Dig like you are gathering sand with a shovel (drop an anchor)
  • Keep your hands flat, broad and firm
  • Look straight down at the bottom of the pool -- it reduces strain on neck and lower back
  • Fewer stroke is better, aim for DPS (distance per stroke)
  • Legs should be taut while feet remains flexible
  • Don't waste your breath, make each breath count, and try to breath alternately
  • Try to breath every 3 stroke
Some tips for beginners:
  • Harmony with the water
  • Pierce the water
  • Stroke smoothly

Some tips of working out

The title says it all:
  • Perform exercises that work your biggest muscles and work mutilple muscles at once (think squats, deadlift, rows)
  • Lift fast but with control --> activate more muscle fiber and burn more fat
  • Lower slowly to maintain the proper form and don't let weight take over
  • Don't lift everyday, 3 times a week is great (muscle needs time to recover to grow)

Life is hard

Hm...kadang kerasa kalau hidup itu berat...
Banyak tanggung jawab yang harus dilakukan, dan jumlah jam sehari sebanyak 24 jam yang dirasakan kurang bagi yang tidak pintar membagi waktu (saya salah satunya...ahahuah)

apa yah...oh ya...hari ini uda mulai ke gym lagi, mudah2an
tak dirasa sudah waktunya cari kerja, ada seorang teman yang sudah mendapatkan kerja di bagian consulting...wah...i'd like her : grats is the best word i think :)

well...for me, i hope i can have a good life, oneday :)
even though i know life is hard, there's still hope for the better, right?

ah...kalau liat hidup org lain yang memiliki hidup yg menyenangkan (hm..mnrt gw, tapi mnrt mereka tetap monoton), mgkn pepatah "rumput tetangga selalu lebih muda" bisa diaplikasikan di sini. sadly but true, bnyk dari antara kita yang melihat org lain yg sukses, yang bisa bepergian ke mana-mana di waktu tugasnya, dll..dan itu kita anggap bagus, tetapi bagi mereka, itu monoton... makes me wonder, will i be like that someday???
i mean not that, but will i be like, not cherishing all i have one day???

Lesson of the day:

Skills, knowledge, abilities and expericences are only useful IF u're at the right place.
Problems and hassle free life NEVER makes a strong person
Don't ask life "Why me" , instead say "Try me"

Don't blow your nose

Taken from : Men'sHealth

Thank goodness cold and flu season is almost over.

But if you caught a cold this winter and quarantined yourself in your office—or bed—with a box of tissues, you might have done your sinuses a disservice.

According to a recent story in the New York Times, blowing your nose when you have a cold can cause more harm than good.

Is this really true?

Yes and no, explains J. Owen Hendley, M.D., professor of pediatrics at the University of Virginia. Hendley coauthored a study a few years ago that found nose-blowing generates very high pressure in the nasal cavity—more pressure than coughing and sneezing—because closing off the front of your nose (hopefully with a tissue) causes the mucus to exit through a thin opening. And not all of it goes out through the nostrils.

It's unclear whether blowing mucus into your sinus was harmful, but during sickness it could shoot viruses or bacteria in there and possibly cause further infection, Hendley says.

If you already have a cold, stop the drip by doing the opposite of what your momma told you: Don’t blow. But if you absolutely must, some experts say, do it one nostril at a time and take a decongestant.

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

Hello God

Currently watching this korean drama series, well, i think it's a bit boring in the start, gets better, and actually it's worth watching...great story, great actors...etc2...lolz. I like watching movie which is inspirational and motivating... this one is....

A few quotes from this movie:
  • it's a foolish thing, to do something just to beat somebody
  • what's important is your own happiness
  • there's no unequal heart, you can love anyone
Hm..more quotes after i finished watching this movie.. :D

Finding and Keeping A Life Partner (cont'd)

::Another perspective::

There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance.. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going anywhere relationships.

Observe the relationships around you.
  • Pay attention... Which ones lift and which ones lean?
  • Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
  • Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill?
  • When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse?
  • Which ones don't appreciate you?
  • Which ones make you feel good, praises you, boosts you with loving and caring words or annotations?
An African proverb states, 'Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye;Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really that important.

  • Do you bring out the best in each other?
  • Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare and control?
  • What do you bring to the relationship?
  • Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?

You can't take someone to the altar to alter them.
You can't make someone love you or make someone stay.
If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and 'a life'; you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain.

Seeking status, sex, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.

What keeps a relationship strong is:
1. trust
2. communication
3. intimacy
4. a sense of humor
5. sharing tasks
6. daily exchanges (meal, shared activity, hug, call, touch, notes, etc)
7. sharing common goals and interests
8. giving each other space to grow without feeling insecure
9. giving each other a sense of belonging and assurances of commitment
10. concern and care for your lover in your own ways.

Finding and Keeping A Life Partner

forwarded in an email by a friend... worth reading


Choosing a life partner should never be based on love. Though this may sound 'not politically correct', there's a profound truth here. Love is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come. Let me say it again: 'You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone; You need a lot more!!!

Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner:

Question #1: Do we share a common life purpose?
Question #2: Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?
Question #3: Is he/she a mensch?
Question #4: How does he/she treat other people?
Question #5: Is there anything I'm hoping to change about this person after we're married?

More thorough explanation:

#1 Marry someone who wants the same thing.

#2 Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person (trust). Make sure you feel emotionally safe with the person you plan to marry

#3 A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. A good person as 'someone who is always striving to be good and do the right.

#4 Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up in themselves and self's absorbed? You can be sure that someone, who treats others poorly, will eventually treat you poorly as well.

#5 If you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them. In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous. You can't change people.

Lead more with your head, less with your heart. It pays to be as objective as possible.
Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself trouble because you didn't do your homework.

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

A Beginning of a new Ending

--31 Jan 2009--

Akhirnya tugas akhir saya sudah dikumpul..ahauhaua
Lega? pasti.... Takut? iya....antara takut waktu sidang atau takut ke depannya...
Siapapun yg membaca blog ini, doakan saya dapat lulus sidang dan lulus dengan baik yah
Kemaren gw memutuskan untuk tidak memikirkan hal-hal berat, malas!!!

--01 Feb 2009--
Yang jelas, sudah saatnya memikirkan masa depan, hm...mau kerja dmn? perencanaan keuangan? dll...i guess, akhir dari kuliah itu bener2 sebuah permulaan yang lebih besar tantangannya.
hm, sepertinya gw uda blh mencoba mulai merencanakan apa yang perlu direncanakan, dan melakukan apa yang perlu dilakukan..

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

New rules ...hmph..

Suddenly something struck me (again !!!)

Banyak hal-hal "dont's" yg sudah saya lakukan dalam beberapa minggu terakhir ini.
Salahkan skripsi? Tidak, salahkan saya yang kurang bisa membagi waktu dengan baik.
Selama ini, ternyata teh dan kopi itu mengandung kafein (soal kadar dan pengaruh negatifnya kurang tau).

Yang jelas, selama skripsi ini, tidur tidak jelas waktunya, konsumsi kopi meningkat, dan kemungkinan stress meningkat (bohong kalau dibilang gak stress sama sekali, stress mungkin ada, tapi gak besar kadarnya kalau di gw pribadi)

hm....ok, utk ke depannya ada beberapa aturan sendiri yang kubuat sendiri dan kurencanakan akan kutaati :p
1. kurangi konsumsi daging merah, ganti jadi ikan
2. perbanyak konsumsi makanan berserat
3. perbanyak konsumsi air putih dan jus buah
4. tidur mengikuti siklus yg seharusnya
5. lebih disiplin (yg ini penting utk mendukung yg lainnya)
6. memprioritaskan hal yg penting dahulu
7. olahraga rutin (minimal 2 kali seminggu)
8. think positively !!!
9. konsumsi sayuran dari keluarga brokoli2an

mudah2an bukan cm ngomong duank :P

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

24 hours a day ain't enough??

This inspirational story below is gotten from a forwarded email… Nice!!!

Mengingatkan saya untuk selalu mendahulukan hal penting can be a new 2009

The Mayonaise Jar and 2 cups of coffee

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and hand some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---God, your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else---the small stuff. 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you

'Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take time to get medical checkups Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. 'I'm glad you asked.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.

Update skripsi...

Hari ini akhirnya selesai bagian Teknik Industrinya untuk skripsi gw...
Senang? boleh lah, tapi....(kenapa selalu harus ada masih ada bagian SI nya, yang notabene lebih banyak lagi bagian SI nya, oh iya, setelah SI nya masih ada pembuatan aplikasinya lagi...dalam 16 hari cukupkah ??? o.O

ok, just take a deep breath....and say it again : "I can do it"
Buat teman2 seperjuangan yang lagi berjuang dengan skripsinya yang deadlinenya semakin mendekat, gud luck again :p

Mau refreshing btr ah, target malam ini kelar problem gk yah?


update lagi -- tgl 16 jan 2009 --
sisa waktu utk deadlinenya adalah tgl 22 jan 2009 utk pny gw sendiri
itu artinya, dalam 6 hari lagi mesti selesai, lolzzzz
hm...ya sudahlah...let nature takes its course... :p
berusaha sebisanya saja, tak perlu khawatir....rugi khawatirin hal gk penting

Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

Two sides to every story

Ever heard that term?
I heard it once as a title of a song by five (if i'm not mistaken)
Anyway, i'm one of a believer of that term...there's always two sides to every story (well, i'm not quite sure about what this term means, but IMO, it means that everyone has their own opinion about something)

for example :
  • you think you know somebody, but do you?
  • you are so happy with something, but others may not be
  • you are waiting for someone to come, but does that someone is really doing his/her best to come on time?
  • you think you love someone, does he/she do too?
  • you think you love someone unconditionally, is it really an unconditional love where you can let him/her go without ANY doubt for the sake of his/he happiness? are you really that sincere?
well, i'm not a psychologist, i can't even sort all of my feelings into boxes...
the purpose of this one here, is to enlighten my own feelings whenever i'm down emotionally...
such as, (example again) when i do not get that job, maybe that other person is better or more suitable for that job...

Don't be down, we can always get up again, we can keep climbing till we see the top :)

Rainbow always appear after the rain, not before :P
That's just how life is....colorful

Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

A mother's love

Kenapa rasanya susah blg "thank you" atau "i love you" ke ibu sendiri?
Apa mungkin karena kultur orang timur yang rasanya susah buat ngungkapin perasaan?
Lihat saja orang barat yang "menggembar-gemborkan" tiga kata tersebut, yang di mana menurut gw hal tersebut ok dan sah-sah saja selama yang dirasa itu bener, mungkin kita memang perlu sedikit belajar dari mereka.

Jadi teringat film yg pernah gw tonton lagi. Seorang ibu yang selalu memuji anaknya (yang di ceritanya sih si ibu blg dia belajar dari bule untuk memakai kata: very good, excellent, marvellous), tak peduli seberapa jelek hasil ujian anaknya, tak peduli bakat apa yang dimiliki anaknya.

Now, what makes me thinking is...
  • Have you ever thank your mother for waiting for you coming back from school?
  • Have you ever thank your mother for preparing your breakfast?
  • Have you ever thank your mother for staying up late just to make sure you're okay when you're sick?
  • Have you ever thank your mother for buying your favourite chocolate bar when you're young?
  • Have you ever thank your mother for helping you doing your handicrafts task?
  • Have you ever thank your mother for loving you and thinking about you always wherever you are?
A mother's love in my opinion is unconditional, she can be the strongest woman in the earth to protect her children, yet still having a heart soft enough to shed a tear. It must not be an easy job.

Mum and Dad, you're both the most wonderful mum and dad in this world
I'm sorry for all the bad things i've ever done before, wishing you both to have a wonderful life...

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Going Places good it sounds...
one day, i'd like to hike a mountain, enjoy the sunset, go to a place where snow falls, fish in a lake, maybe even surf on a surfboard (i said But then, i realize none will be accomplished without me finishing my thesis (again, skripsi oh skripsi -.-). Quit day dreaming

though i can't go there now, i'm still allowed to look at the photos right :p
this one is the biggest indoor ice skating in the world, it's located inside the mall of the emirates, the third biggest mall in the world...

yg lain..menyusul

New Year, New resolution

I ran into another person's blog today, and i accidentally read about "apakah anda sudah mengecek resolusi anda di tahun yg lalu? apakah tercapai?" well, that makes me thinking, what was my resolution for 2008? i don't remember, make this 2009 more challenging, more meaningful and more memorable.
i decided to make my very own year 2009 resolutions, and hopefully i'll be able to re-evaluate these at the end of year 2009 ^__^
  • finish my thesis, it's a must lol
  • work hard and play hard (play hard only or work hard only is a no-no)
  • learning to be able to express myself, and find my true self (this one's important for me)
  • spend more time with my family (i love them)
  • financially capable (saya ingin dapat menjadi mapan...sudah waktunya cari duit :P)
  • love myself more... (ini neh sumber masalah kalau gk bisa cinta diri
  • oh yea, another one, lebih mandiri di segala bidang deh (gw ingat entah baca di mana, spesialisasi itu cm buat serangga, manusia harus bisa melakukan banyak hal)
I ran into some useful things again, about how to realize your 09 resolutions:
  • set realistic goals
  • make your goal visual (semacam image training gitu), a visual reminder will keep you motivated
  • set your timer (nothing gets your blood pumping harder than a due date)
I think that's it. Simple huh? God helps me....

Gemstones ... Birthstones

I'm fascinated by those gorgeous minerals...these one on the left are amethysts

The price of each stones?
Hm... i guess it varies from 10 pounds to thousands of dollars

And about the birthstone, it's pretty much summarized in below picture (i found these pictures on the internet):

up to the sky, and down to the earth

So fast, time is really fast, it does fly...
it's unbelievably 2nd of Januari 2009 today....

okay, on the content..just a couple of days ago, i was still the strongest person i know, the most solid minded one (hey, at least in my but, just yesterday, something unpleasant happened, and it involves a friend of mine, a close's unacceptable. Well, at least i see that person as a close one, i don't know what that person makes me thinking again that life is never fair, indeed....but even though i'm like this, i can still say proudly and clearly is still beautiful, and i thank God for everything.

And, it turns out that i make a wuss over nothing, that person don't even remember what that person HAD, silly me.... :P. Well, it's not me if i don't take lessons from every encounters i made (yeah, i'm somewhat narcist in this). A friend really taught me well, "to err is human, but to forgive is divine"... cheers to you man !!! Bravo...i guess, i'll be needing more life advice from you again...(hopefully not soon enough) lol

oh, and about the new year's eve. we decided to have a bbq in one's house, play some cards with leftovers (shrimps, corns, corndogs as the bet). I had a really good time, thanks to all my friends (the host especially, you've been such a great friend, thanks a lot). Surely this 1st jan will forever be in my memory, with every event happpened, every word said.

I promise that i'll never, i repeat, never regret any path i've walked in my life. There'll always be a new lessons ahead...

another thing that needs to be added in this entry, i've been thinking about what things that'll really make me happy. what are they? am i clueles, or am i just ignorant? what is it? where is it? well, i for one, won't worry about that things, i believe God has his own plan for me.

and btw, Happy new year 2009 everyone !!!