Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

huh...i always tell myself, i want to have a special life, i want to live my life to the fullest with no regrets. But honestly, i don't know how? How do we know? You know what the scariest part is? I know that life is short, but still, i am not doing anything to make my life more ... colorful...

oh, what shall i do??

Been searching and browsing a lot this day...don't ask where, when, or what..lol
Well, this blog is intended to reveal all my feelings, thoughts, etc...but when i look back at it...
It is still...looks like a puzzle...maybe not a puzzle, a mystery..with all those things kept hidden...

haha....dare to try this? wake up in the morning, call ur loved ones, and tell them "I love ya"
dare u? lol... huh...i don't think i can, not yet... Why is the topic becoming this one? ahhaha..argh, i don't know la... just go with the flow...

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