Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Recap of the week

Since i am so busy last week, i can't keep my journal daily anymore :(

ok, it goes

16 Nov 2009 - Mon
First day at work...Well, for starter, i had doubt...
  • Is this the job i want?
  • Is this the one for me?
  • Am I doing the right thing by signing this contract? By signing will be 3 years of life...committed to this job...
  • I am wondering if i will be able to do this, not to mention, i have to commune 4 hours a day just to get there...which lead to the next question..should i stay where i am or move there?
  • If i move there, it will be a new environment, new friends in which u'll have to adapt again, and leaving all those things i hold dear until today?
And the first day is very tiring, maybe because of my body is adjusting...

17 Nov 2009 - Tue
Today, i feel better than 16, but however, still can be categorized as bad...
I still have that voice inside my head that says..."maybe i shouldn't?"

18 Nov 2009 - Wed
Well, day by day is getting better, but until wed...still was in bad category

19 Nov 2009 - Thu
Ya, kurang lebih sama...cuma uda mendingan aja deh

20 Nov 2009 - Fri
Got a call from Triputra Group, but i reject it since i already got a job...
Hari pertama pulang nebeng mobil teman...sampe Binus agak pagian seh...ntar liat deh kalau macetnya parah banget, mungkin mau gk mau mesti ngekost...
I have always been praying to God for giving the best for me...I guess I should add: "Please give me happiness"

21 Nov 2009 - Sat
Well, the very official day off for me since my status is "employed".
Spent the day playing....yep...just playing...trus paket ketemu teman lama....yg ini ntar gw kasi post khusus...

22 Nov 2009 - Sun
More on this later....

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