Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Going Places

hm...how good it sounds...
one day, i'd like to hike a mountain, enjoy the sunset, go to a place where snow falls, fish in a lake, maybe even surf on a surfboard (i said maybe..lol) But then, i realize none will be accomplished without me finishing my thesis (again, skripsi oh skripsi -.-). Quit day dreaming now...lol

though i can't go there now, i'm still allowed to look at the photos right :p
this one is the biggest indoor ice skating in the world, it's located inside the mall of the emirates, the third biggest mall in the world...

yg lain..menyusul

2 komentar:

TazGurL mengatakan...

kalo gue mau ke tempat yang sepi... dimana orang lebih seneng jalan kaki daripada naek kendaraan, jalanan untuk pedestrian lebih besar dan masih dari batu, banyak toko2 kecil yang lucu2, and masih banyak pohon rindangnya... ahh... kapan bisa yah win...

WiN mengatakan...

oh...hauhaua i read it
lu suka toko2 di jalan kuno gitu yah
ahauhau kapan2 lah...selama masih hidup masih ada harapan...

never stop dreaming...ok :p ?